18 February 2010

I miss unlimited internet and free texting

We are only half way through February and we are already done our allotment of 'bandwidth' for the month. A.K.A our internet is shut off. I'm next door borrowing their computer for a few quick minutes to let everyone know that yes I am alive, no I am not ignoring e-mails, no I have not watched any of the Olympics, yes I miss it and no we can not talk on the phone. We had the biggest lightening storm I have ever seen here the other night and our phone line is also down.


Apparently I have reverted back 100 years, If you wish to contact me before March please uses your ink and quill. A fine young man on a stallion will whisk by your cottage with a lantern in hand to pick up the letter. It will undoubtedly get lost along the way, but with word of mouth, smoke signals and hieroglyphics it will one day reach me....

Until I return to the realm of cyber space....


  1. Hang in there....the positive side is that at least you have some of it even if it's not a lot...

  2. Thanks for the update! We will buy more internet time for you. What do we do? We love you- Love mom and pop
