12 October 2010

Sure, I'll sign autographs

Awhile back I wrote about a PBS film crew that joined us in South Africa filming a documentary for their program, Visionaries which profiles non profit organizations. Season 16 episode 1602 highlights the Order of St. Augustine and the amazing work the Augustinians do in Philly, South Africa and around the world. It shows clips of our house, the girls school, and me delivering food parcels in the valley. Its a truly beautiful video and I was lucky to have a chance to take part in it!

Hit the big blue play triangle in the middle of the screen, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Its only PSB and I am choking back tears the whole interview making me look ridiculous, but celebrity status starts somewhere right?

If your computer will not let you watch the video via blogger you can try and access it from another computer via the website listed below



  1. i cried, you brat!! i miss you and i can't wait for you to come home!! but i'm so proud of the work you're doing, keep it up and come home soon!!

  2. Wow Meg- very impressive. You are amazing. We are proud to call you daughter. Love Mom and Pop

  3. Which button do I press? The big blue triangle one? Ok, now I got it. Kidding

  4. Talk about choking back the tears! Yup, that describes me watching this video. Meghan McKennan, you are inspiring and your interview was profound about the importance of presence! How tremendous that your work was filmed by this program. What a beautiful tribute to the Augustinians and to you.

    My student, my hero! Love, Ms. Beatty

  5. Meg you are amazing! You really are doing such a wonderful thing, I can't wait to see you when you get home! love you soooo much! Also loved that you sang you are my sunshine...that song works wonders in many places...

  6. Truly an amazing woman you are!
    Yes, I also had to choke back tears to listen to you speak of your difficult time with the dying woman-to sing her a song was fantastic. I shall think of you when I hear that song!
    You are the best!
    Cousin Linda
